Enhancing Academic Performance with AI-Powered Tools: A Comparative Study of Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom in Educational Technology Photography


  • Joseph Olusegun Adigun Author
  • Kehinde Muritala Nuhu Author
  • Deborah Iyanuoluwa Oyetunde Author
  • Eric Aghiomesi Irunokhai Author
  • Samuel Abiola Wealth Author
  • Oluwafemi J. Ayangbekun Author
  • Patience Ndidi Meduna Author
  • Zacchaeus James Author




Artificial, Intelligence, Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Photography


Artificial Intelligence (AI) encompasses various technologies that enable machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, including educational applications with photography not left behind. This study investigates the comparative effects of AI tools in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom on undergraduates’ academic performance in an Educational Technology Photography course university of Ilorin. A total of 42 students participated, with 52.4% trained in Photoshop and 47.6% in Lightroom. The gender distribution was 59.5% male and 40.5% female. Survey results indicated a universally positive perception of both AI tools, with no disagreements recorded. Respondents rated both tools highly in terms of ease of use, preference for learning, confidence in skills, and essentiality for professional editing. Achievement test scores revealed excellent performance (µ > 80%) for students using both tools, with no significant gender differences. The findings suggest that AI-powered tools in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom significantly enhance students’ learning experiences and academic performance. The study highlights the potential for integrating AI tools in educational settings to improve learning outcomes and recommends further research into their long-term impacts, ethical implications, and effectiveness across diverse disciplines and educational contexts.


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How to Cite

Adigun, J. O., Nuhu, K. M., Oyetunde, D. I., Irunokhai, E. A., Wealth, S. A., Ayangbekun, O. J., Meduna, P. N., & James, Z. (2024). Enhancing Academic Performance with AI-Powered Tools: A Comparative Study of Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom in Educational Technology Photography. Journal of Science Research and Reviews, 1(1), 43-48. https://doi.org/10.70882/josrar.2024.v1i1.9