Assessing the Impact of Spent Engine Oil Contamination Soil on the Growth of Adansonia digitata Linneous Seedlings Compared to Top Soil


  • Seun V. Adesanmi Author
  • Dele K. Salami Author
  • Ayo A. Ogunbela Author
  • Olamide M. Apenah Author
  • Kehinde O. Ajayi Author
  • Olatunji J. Agboola Author



Comparative, Top Soil, Spent Engine Contaminated Soil, Growth Pattern, Adansonia digtata


Some landscapes are known with soil pollutants and it is important to establish indigenous tree species to acclaim this substance. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the comparative effect of top soil and spent engine contaminated soil on the growth pattern of Adansonia digitata seedlings in the nursery which was done in year 2023. Complete Randomized Design was used for the study with two treatments and fifteen replicates. Independent sample T- test and descriptive statistics were used for the analysis. Experiment was conducted for three months while shoot height, stem diameter and number of leaves were measured. Top soil produced better morphological characteristics of the species. Adansonia digitata can grow and survive in both top and contaminated soil but better with top soil. Therefore, this study recommended that Adansonia digtata should be planted in top soil. However, this species performed closely to the top soil. Therefore, further study should be conducted to determine on the ability of the species to absorbed ion and cation for remediation of the pollutants in the savannah landscape. 


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How to Cite

Adesanmi, S. V., Salami, D. K., Ogunbela, A. A., Apenah, O. M., Ajayi, K. O., & Agboola, O. J. (2024). Assessing the Impact of Spent Engine Oil Contamination Soil on the Growth of Adansonia digitata Linneous Seedlings Compared to Top Soil. Journal of Science Research and Reviews, 1(2), 29-33.